Will it work?
It may work absolutely fine in a test tube or in the workshop, but can it reliably scale-up to full manufacture and then be a valuable and dependable product during the planned operational life?
New inventions rarely work first time, and usually take much longer than originally expected to reach maturity. We encourage the "fail fast" approach: if it's not going to work as a commercial product or service, the sooner we all know that, the better. Given promising test results, we will enthusiastically support onward development.
Is it needed?
The technology may be excellent and genuinely new, but unless the market is ready to accept a disruptive product it may be difficult to build demand and commercial sales. Success seems to appear at a "sweet spot" when the product is available, and the market is ready to accept a new entrant with clearly-defined advantages and benefits. This is the ideal timing.
It is important to know about competing technologies and products - yours may seem to have obvious attractions, but the market may be satisfied with current products. If large corporations are threatened by new technology developments, they may innovate to block the route to market for new ideas.
Route to Market?
Market access is probably the most difficult problem for innovators. Unless prospective users are willing to pay for the benefits offered by new ideas, the project is bound to fail. We use our network to expose proposed developments as soon as reasonably possible to known players in the market, usually under a non-disclosure agreement and with prior approval from the owner of the idea. These initial contacts may lead to significant product changes, or possibly to the realization that the proposal does not have an attractive cost/benefit profile. On the other hand, such contacts may lead directly to users that need the benefits, and are willing to pay.
We have been successful with a range of different technologies where we have been involved with product design, engineering, production, and sales. Our track record is open for inspection: we have helped innovators with company formation and organization; strategy; business management; IP protection; market development; licensing; and sales negotiations, using our local and international networks of reliable contacts. We support inventors, start-up enterprises and companies with promising technologies and ideas.